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미국 California UCLA 연수
연구 및 학회 활동
대한정형외과학회 정회원
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전) 신기탑본의원 정형외과 원장
전) 굿본정형외과재활의학과 을지로점 원장
현) 마디튼튼정형외과 대표원장
논문 및 저술활동
[미국견주관절학회지, SCI] Effects of comorbidities on the outcomes of manipulation under anesthesia for primary stiff shoulder/Journal of shoulder and elbow surgery(SCI)
[미국관절경학회지, SCI] Biceps Rerouting for Semirigid Large-to-Massive Rotator Cuff Tears/Arthroscopy(SCI)
[일본정형외과학회지, SCI] Favorable mid-to-long-term results of impaction bone grafting using a fresh frozen allograft bone with cemented stem for the treatment of Paprosky IV femoral bone defects/Journal of orthopaedic science(SCI)
[미국 노인정형외과 수술 및 재활학회지, SCI] A Novel Surgical Method for Treating Symptomatic Incomplete Atypical Femoral Fracture using Percutaneous Elastic Intramedullary Nailing/Geriatric orthopaedic surgery & rehabilitation(SCI)
[국제 척추신경학회지,SCI]Strategy for obtaining solid fusion at L5–S1 in adult spinal deformity: risk factor analysis for nonunion at L5–S1/Journal of neurosurgery: spine(SCI)
[국제 근골격계질환학술지,SCI]The scissors sign: a provocative test for detecting the leading-edge tear of subscapularis tendon: a diagnostic study/BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders(SCI)